Full bibliography of books written under my own name with links to buy

Find out more about how I can be your ghostwriter, writing coach, or help you with sales

Hear from my previous clients on what it was like to work with me

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“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ac turpis accumsan, at luctus diam facilisisquis et urna sit.”

Duis eget metus nec velit sed ipsum accumsan pellentesque et non. Risus dolor vel ex congue cursus quam dui placerat aenean et porta hendrerit metus vitae sodales neque nec.

"Rhiannon has a deep understanding of the writing, authoring and publishing of books... She is a natural listener and very personable... If you are looking to write a book, I'd highly recommend contacting Rhiannon."

Shaffiq Din
Coaching Client

"Rhiannon... is an excellent writer with good insight as to what we looking for in communication with our customers. She never missed a deadline, which was very important to us. I highly recommend her. She is a motivated and talented individual."

Kent DuFault
Ghostwriting Client

"Rhiannon is awesome!…and I absolutely recommend that you get her for your next project, because surely her rates are going nowhere but up, up, up! Perfectly professional and so friendly that you can literally feel her smiles in her messages."

Ghostwriting Client

Rhiannon lives in East Sussex with her husband and son and is probably squirrelled away as you read this in her home office, hunched over a keyboard amidst crafting supplies and towering piles of books.

As Seen On...
