
What Makes a Good Ghostwriter?

If you’re looking for a ghostwriter to work with, you’ll want to have some idea of how to assess your candidates. You need someone who will do the job well – ghostwriting is a huge investment, and trusting someone with your story is also a big deal. So, what do you need to look for in order to make the right choice? These are the attributes you will find in a good ghostwriter.


Grasp of Language

Of course, a ghostwriter is a writer first and foremost. They need to have an excellent grasp of the English language with all of its quirks and foibles. In short, they need to be able to write well – not just entertainingly, but also correctly.


Ability to Listen

A good ghostwriter is also a good listener. They need to grasp the essence of what you are saying when you share your story with them, so that they can translate it to the page rather than just transcribing your words. They should also be a good listener in the sense of encouraging you to share as much as possible, asking the right questions, and giving you sympathetic feedback so that you feel empowered to continue.


Understanding of Book Markets

A good ghostwriter doesn’t just write a book without thinking about it, doing whatever you say – they will also bring their commercial and literary expertise to bear. This includes understanding how to position a book, how to write to the expectations of the audience in a given genre, how to structure a book, what to include and what to leave out, and the ability to give you advice on what to do when the book is written. They should understand the difference between writing a book intended for submission to publishers and a book intended to be self-published, and how to adjust their plans accordingly.



Everyone has to start somewhere, and if  you’re looking to get a book written on a tight budget, a beginner may be suited to your needs. But a good ghostwriter – and especially if you want a great ghostwriter – needs to have experience under their belt. As someone who has written over one hundred books, I can tell you first-hand that there is a steep learning curve across those first few titles. In fact, I still learn a little something new every single time I write a book today. If you want your book to be as good as it can be, an experienced ghostwriter is a must.


Tried and True Process

Finally, a good ghostwriter should also have their own process. This is the structure they will follow during every project in order to make sure that things flow as smoothly as possible, delivering the best possible book at the end of it. This often comes along with experience, as the ghostwriter naturally develops their own preferred process over time. They should be able to talk you through this process easily, explaining it in terms you can understand, so you know just what to expect when you work with them.


If you’re looking for a ghostwriter who fits all of the above requirements, consider getting in touch with me. I have well over a decade of experience under my belt, an exceptional grasp on the English language, and I make market research an essential part of my process every time I work with a new client. I’m also a great listener, largely because I truly enjoy getting to write my clients’ stories down.

You can send me a message today to ask about my services, or read more about what I do and how I do it.

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